Spiritual Churches - East Coast Australia

 Here is a list of Spiritual Churches (not religious) in Eastern Australia: (as at 11-Jan.-2024)

- 3 Swan St. Cooks Hill 2300 _
Spiritual Church @ NEWCASTLE, NSW Australia
(from 14 Jan 2024)
e: newcastlespiritualistchurchinc@gmail.com
new phone #: ‭0494 029 236‬

Spiritual Churches in most of Australia: *** PLEASE NOTE: MOST CHURCHES EVERYWHERE ARE NOW OPEN***

BOOKS: 6 Angel books by Michael F Bray now available - click here - opens in a new window

 Please check with individual Churches prior to attending. Enjoy. 

This information is supplied, as a courtesy, to the churches - by Rev. Michael Bray. mbray8@me.com


HOLIDAY COAST, Mid-north coast, NSW:

- Port Macquarie: Spiritual Enlightenment Church of Australia, Port Macquarie Branch, 198 Hastings River Drive. Minister : Reverend Maureen Cooke; Tele 02 6584 4024, mobile 0409 820 694. Meetings: 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month at 5.pm. Also: self awareness and healing classes. phone for details 02 6584 4024. It's opposite the Edgewater caravan park.

- Taree: - Sanctuary Spiritualist Centre Church: web site and email Phone: (+61) 0435 907 608 also Reiki Lights Healing candles. Now @ 5 Marathon St. Taree ~ NOW OPEN : Sundays @ 10:00

- Wauchope: 2nd Wauchope Scout Hall, 4 Tallowood Av. Wauchope, every Sunday, 10.00am-12.00pm/ Contact: Rev. Rhonda; 0408-204 660. 


- Tamworth: Community Centre, Darling Street. Last Sunday of the month at 2pm. Call - Mandy Coles 02-6762.7162 / m:0408.260.891. www.mandycoles.com.au / or www.tamworthspiritualistchurch.com.au / email

- Armidale/Uralla: Spiritual Church - meets in the Community Centre, Hill St. Uralla NSW (next to the Police station) - twice monthly - the 2nd Sunday of the month @ 10:00am and the 4th Sunday of the month @ 7:00pm. phone - Rev. Vera Vickers: (02) 6771 4340 or m: 0402 330 834.


- Newcastle City - 3 Swan St. via Queen St. Cooks Hill NSW 2300. Sunday @ 3:00pm. Ph.: 0494 029 236 Web site: www.newcastlespiritualistchurch.com email: newcastlespiritualistchurchinc@gmail.com   - Daily events - check web site. Meditation, Discussions, Healing, Services and much more. Postal address: PO Box 2251 Dangar NSW 2309.


- Lithgow: 169 Mort St. Lithgow Spiritual Centre: Service: 2nd and last Sunday of the Month @ 2pm. - free admission. / Meditation: Tues & Thurs. 1.00pm - 3.00pm (winter times) / fee $5. Contact: Gloria McCann 02-6352 3779. * no church in January *. There is a Psychic Fair held twice a year - contact Gloria for info.

- Leura: Venue: CWA Hall, 137 Megalong St. / Service: Sun, 2-4pm. / Lyceum: Sun, 12.30 -1.30pm. / Development: 3rd Sun, 11-12.30pm. / *** Please Contact: Rev. Lolita Martinez m:0404-577 922. ** information may have been updated ! **

- Lawson: Venue: Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, New St., / Healing: Tues 7.30pm-9.30pm / Thurs 10.30am-12.30pm - Attitudinal Healing. / Healing: Last Mon of Month 10.00am-12.30pm - Reiki - please call. Contact: Wenda 02-4759.1302 / Judith 02-4739.6161.

- Richmond - Hawkesbury Spiritual Connection, CWA Hall, West Market St. Richmond: every Sunday night: 7.00pm to around 8.30pm. / Caroline 0414-453 263 or Karen 0402-112 076.

- Springwood - Masonic Hall, Macquarie Rd - Wed 10.30-12am & Wed 12.00 noon - Rev P Thompson 02-4782.3920 - also Service - Red Cross Hall, Macquarie Rd, Sun 7pm - 8:30pm . Healing - Contact : Mid Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, New St, Fri 10.30am-12.30pm and Fri 7.30pm-9.30pm - Attitudinal Healing or First Mon. of Month 10.00am-12.30pm - Reiki - please call: Diane on m: 0415-277 519.

SYDNEY and Central Coast & SOUTH:

- Camden - Three Lights Spiritual Church, Guide Hall, cnr. Elizabeth & Exeter Sts. Camden NSW. Services 2nd & 4th Sundays at 5:00pm. Rev. Lida Northey on 0418-406 988 email  -  also on Face Book.

- Campbelltown - Spiritual Church; CWA Hall, King St. Campbelltown 2560. PO Box 600x Leumeah NSW 2560.

-Wollongong: 2 Hurcules St. Email or contact Rev. Sue: 0423 402 940. Service is at 2:00PM, SUNDAYS.

- RAMSGATE: 107 Ramsgate Rd Rev. Lynne Weston & Adam Weston (02) 9529 5321 ~

3rd Sunday at 1:30pm


- TEMPLE OF THE PENTAGON ~ The Esoteric Church ~ a not-for-profit organisation and Church. Weekly meetings Wed. 6:00pm to 8:00pm at 1 Burnell St. Cooee 7320. TEXT only messages on 0404-463 559. Contact the Secretary: Jocelyn Griffiths. Also monthly Full Moon Celebrations.


West of Brisbane:

- Kingaroy: Girl Guides Hut, Mant St. 1st & 3rd. Sun. @ 10am. Rev. Denise Bettany. 07-4163 3664 or 0411-261 212. Meditation before church at 9am.

- Toowoomba: Toowoomba Spiritual Church, every Sunday from 10:30am, Greek Orthodox Community Hall, cnr. Hume & Perth Sts. Rev Dorothy & Bill. - ph. 07-4633 2213 - NEW: web site

- Toowoomba: Church of the Australian Spiritual Lyceum, every 1st; 3rd & 5th Sunday night at 6.30pm, 21 Bowen St. Toowoomba. Contact 07-4638 1483. web site

Brisbane & northern beaches:

- Deception Bay Spiritual Centre meets on Sunday at King St. (Music Hall behind the Deception Bay State School); Healing 3:30pm and Service 4:30pm. Weekly Clairvoyants and there is time for a cuppa and chat. Rev. Carol on M: 0418-592 412. (If Christmas Day is a Sunday - there is no meeting).

- Petrie: Bray Hall, Cooke St. Sun. 7pm. Rev. Denise Bettany & Rev. Elect Karen Flamank. 07-4163 3664 or 0411-261 212 or 0419-257 533.

- Sandgate: Tue. 7:00pm At the Girl Guides Hall, Rev. Annie, 0422-078 559. web site. 55 Burnett Place Sandgate Qld.

- Salisbury: The Valley Spiritualist Church: 2nd & 4th Sunday @ 10:00am - 183 Lillian Ave. Salisbury. Ph.: 07-3849 6450, Rev. Gennys Mackay. This info is current from 8 Aug. 2015. email

- Woodridge: Southside Spiritual Haven, Progress Hall, Cnr. Railway Pde. & Garfield Rd. ~ Meets on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sunday nights at 7:00pm. 

Contact: Rev. Gail Gallagher on 07-3388 2030 or email

- The Spiritual Church, Brisbane / Phone Helen on 0408-061-991 or. Church phone: 07-3832 6023 / two services on Sunday:@ 2:30pm & 7:00pm,  228 Boundary St. Spring Hill 4000. Also: Healing circles, Spiritual/Psychic development. 

Sunshine Coast & Noosa:

- Landsborough area: Spiritual Church, Landsborough Hall, Landsborough. Rev. Kerry Talbot. 07-5496 3584

- Beerwah: Sacred Heart Spiritual Church - every Sunday evening at 6:30pm; back at the CWA Hall near the Station :  Call Pam on m: 0409-058 843. email, highly recommended****NOW OPEN

- Bli Bli: The Old Church, 89 Willis Rd. Every Wed. 7pm. Rev. Rosemary Crawford.  0409-457 352 - NOW OPEN

- Caboolture: Lady Gowrie Community space, The Hub, rear 10 B Torrens Rd. 1st & 3rd Sundays @ 3pm. Rev. Mary Gwilym & Rev. Janny Lawrence. 07-5498 3734 or m: 0401-505 011. email. Also Spiritual Development 1st & 3rd Mondays of the month.

- Redcliff Spiritualist Church: Woody Point Memorial Hall, Oxley Ave.  Meets - each Sunday: 4:30pm - meditation:  6:30pm. Service ring: Rev. Peter Renshaw, Ph.: 0439-458 238. (Times may vary over Christmas/NY)

- Cooroy: QCWA Hall, Maple St. Wed. 7pm. Rev. Kathy McVann. 07-5483 5523 or 0414-972 632. email.

- Glasshouse Mountains: Glasshouse Neighbourhood Centre, opp. Post Office, Sun. 10am. Rev. Priscilla Wilson & Rev. Elect Diane Ryan. 0417-636 065. email.

- Tinbeerwah - Sunshine Spiritualist Church, Tinbeerwah Hall, Sunrise Road. Every 2nd & 4th Sunday @ 10am. Rev. Laine: 07-5449 0937 or -428-773 133.

S. E. Qld:

- Calamvale: Community Hall, cnr. Nortingham & Beaudesert Rd. 1st & 3rd Sun. @ 6pm. Rev. Ailsa Van der laan. m: 0447-760 260. email

- Tugun Village Community Centre, 414 Coolangatta Rd. Tugun 4224. The Brotherhood of Universal Wisdom & EternalLight, Reverend Kim McClure, 0400-452 365. Services 1st & 3rd Sundays @ 1:30pm. Psychic development and meditation circle held weekly. kim.mcclure56@gmail.com

- Ipswich: Universal Spiritual group: Silkstone Scout hall, Cambridge St. 4th Sunday (NOT DEC) at 1:30pm contact Ulli: 0423 924 154

Qld. north:

- Cairns: Chrysalis Centre, 129 Mulgrave Rd. Fri. 7pm. Rev. Elect Dallas Marxsen. m: 0414-151 475 or 0458 532 572. email

- Bundaberg Spiritualist Church: 10 Alamein St. Ph. 07-4152 5095


Also visit: Associated Christian Spiritual Churches of Australia :


Other Australian states and areas: please try thIs sites:


Please check with individual Churches prior to attending, in case there have been changes. Enjoy. 

Disclaimer: Some things on this site are an expression of someone's ideas or beliefs. There is no intention to indoctrinate anyone. If this happens, please disregard the idea and decide what you want or choose to believe. © M. Bray 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2020, 2022,  2023, 2024.



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