My known past lives ~ Michael Francis Bray ~ an idea.


My Past Lives ~ an idea

I have always been interested in the lives I have lived in the past (or parallel lives) and I have been gifted with a sense for discovering the facts about this.

Here are some suggestions:

* 37,000 to 40,000 years back, an Aboriginal ‘medicine person’ in the Laverton area of Western Australia. Draw a line from Uluru to Perth and I was in the middle.

* About 20,000 BC in Atlantis, I have had a dream that I was leaving this crystal island in a crystal ‘vehicle’     heading towards ‘space’.

* In the second century BC the Ajanta Caves near the Sahyardi Hills, east of present day Mumbai, India, were carved out. It took 600 years to create them. On my visit, after staring at the ceiling in the first 3 caves, I asked my Angels what was going on? They suggested I had spent 3 lives here - one as an artisan, the next as a student and the third as a teacher. Everything made total sense after that. They are amazing to visit.


* In 2013, I am part of a group visiting Egypt. We toured to the West Bank of Luxor, Valley of the Kings and Temple of Hatshepsut. This is my second visit to this temple and I still have something very special about this area. I ask my Angels what is it that makes it so ~ their reply was that I was Queen Hatshepsut (which explained a lot) and if you read about her life, she was the only ruler of Egypt that did not get involved in wars. She ruled for prosperity and she served the people well. It explains when I was walking up the magnificent steps at the front of the temple, I had a feeling of people waving to me. Queen-Pharaoh           Hatshepsut ascended the throne about 1478 BC. 

* About 1400 BC I have seen myself near present day Wellington, New Zealand as part of a new group of people who arrived in the area. We were always called ‘foreign’ and eventually inter-married with the local peoples.

* 1000-500 BC I was an Aboriginal living in the present area of Lithgow, NSW. I was initiated and worked with sending energy communications from Mt. Clarence. I lived in a community in caves nearby, close to present day Clarence Railway station. In the winter we would walk to present day Penrith and stay on or near the Nepean River. (See the story about William Charles Wentworth, explorer, who in 1813 discovered a way over the Blue Mountains west of Sydney NSW. This was the same soul who walked that same journey many years before).

* About 200 BC, I have seen myself as part of a team/community arriving in present day Tauranga, New        Zealand, in long-boats from Polynesia.

* About 100 BC in Corinth, Greece

* 0-48 AD, I was a Roman guard and I was assigned to follow Jesus to investigate what he was doing and how he was ‘healing’ people. Interesting and in this lifetime I was at a course that taught us how Jesus did his healing. It was all just using Love and Light.

* About 1200 I was a court jester in the UK, a very short life.

* 1480-1548, I was a monk in the Netherlands near present day Ter Apple, close to the German border. I am later moved to the island of Schiermonikoe, Leuerwarden, off the coast of Groningen. I was apparently a rebel wanting to change the church doctrine, dogma and ideas.

* About 1550 to 1599 I helped build and/or design the Terschelling lighthouse in Friesland, the Netherlands.    I have always had a fascination with lighthouses.

* 1600 born in Spain. I designed drainage at the ‘El Mayo’ fort at San Juan, Puerto Rico. I died in 1643 when the fort was destroyed by fire by the Dutch navy and army.

* 1650 to 1700, I was a Spanish explorer and forged a trail from present day San Diego, CA to Albaquerqie NM to create a settlement there. (This was from a map at the ‘old Spanish Govenor’s Residence’ in San Antonio, TX). The map shows a dotted red line and the path I took with other explorers on horseback.

* 1700-1740, I was a slave on a cotton plantation in     Louisiana. The first time I saw a cotton plantation in this lifetime in that area, I burst into tears.

* 1740-about 1792, I was born in England and I was a black servant for Joseph Banks, Botanist who in 1765 sailed from England with Captain James Cook on the ‘Endeavour’. On this voyage the team travelled via Tahiti and discovered New Zealand and then Australia in 1770, landing at Botany Bay. I collected samples of plants, I noted their environment and I helped draw their image for later use and study. I have seen some of these images on a visit to the UK. This is why so many places along the east coast of Australia have been so familiar to me this lifetime.

* 1792-1872, I was born on a ship traveling from Sydney to Norfolk Island as William Charles Wentworth, the son of a female convict. I later joined Blaxland and Lawson to discover a way across the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney in 1813. I became a wealthy landowner and politician. I owned Vaucluse House in east Sydney. I died in the UK on 20 March 1872 and I was later buried near my house at Vaucluse, Sydney. (See aboriginal story above 1000-500 BC)

* 1872-1911, I was born in Scotland and I helped build the ‘Forth Bridge’ a railway bridge north of Edinburgh. About 1900 I traveled to Australia and from 1905-1907,      I visited the Crookwell area 15km north of Goulburn and I helped build stone bridges on the Crookwell-Bathurst road. I was buried near Dubbo.

* 1913, I was born a black female in Suriname, South America and I traveled to the Netherlands where I worked with the Netherlands air force. About 1943 I was using a glass wall with a map of Europe, tracing where all the aircraft were flying and drawing on the map where planes were flying during WW2. In 1945, I was having sex with an officer in a tank which was hit by a German shell, we both died.

* 1946, I was born in Sydney Australia on 15th June, 2 months early, at 3.18pm. My twin brother was born 15 minutes later. No one knew there were 2 babies there. 

I know I have had many, many lifetimes, all with a similar theme ~ helping people and building bridges between people.

At 78 years young, today in 2024, I am still doing that, but from a spiritual point of view and using unique healing spiritual tools from Jill Marie at SVH. You may also like to look at the crystal pages and cleaning-up page for healing info on the site:  

I understand that this life is a culmination of all my past lives and each lifetime has been a prerequisite to the     following one. There have been many thousands of lives that I have experienced on earth or other planets.

Here is a list of some people I feel I have a connection with:

* H. W. Longfellow (1807-1882) author of ‘The Song of Hiawatha’. 

* The owner of a bakery in Chicago and there was a fire there (not the great fire of 1871).

* Michelangelo (1475-1564) ~ I have a total fascination for his work.  

* Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) ~ has always inspired me.

It has been an amazing journey, Thank you for sharing this journey and life with me.

* * * * *

Thank you for the opportunity to share my wisdom and wonderful experiences with my team of Angels, Guides and Masters.

    Namaste, Blessings and much Love, Michael


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