9 books for your Spiritual Exploration: Info & prices in Au$'s: BUY HERE

 I have written 9 books about Angels, Nature Spirits & Living Life: here is info about the books:

Author, Healer & Spiritual explorer - 9 books for you: by Michael Francis Bray:

ALL books printed by Amazon. Australian books are printed in Sydney, Australia

*’Angels are Real’ - years 1946 - 1992 - how my Angels helped me in my life. Au$18

*’Angels are Real 2’ - extra help during the years 1993 - 2017. Au$13

*’Angel & Fairy Alphabet’ Inspiration on any page, A - Z all +++positive to inspire. Au$12

*’Fairies are Real’ - stories and interviews with Fairies & Gnomes + information about Elves, Dragons & other little people. Au$17

*’Playing with Angels’ - an experimental writing about a new soul deciding to come to earth, what decisions it makes & how it communicates with its team of Angels & the results + time in the womb & first year of life on Earth. Au$15

Written from the viewpoint of the child & in the language of Love & Light. 

*’You are a Magnificent Amazing being made of Stardust’ - because 

you are. Insights about who you really are.  Written in the language of Love & Light. Au$12

*'You are a Wonderful Light of Love' - Light up your life, sharing Love & Kindness + how to do it.

        -Written in the language of Love & Light. Au$12

*'Surviving a STROKE, Suggestions for Living a Loving Life': give up medications. Your Amazing body heals itself. "A rainbow of HOPE in a medicated world". Au$12

*'Imagine ~ 4 D, 5 D, 6 D ~ Glimpses of a New World beyond now. Au$12

ALL are available from Amazon in your country, SEARCH: Michael Francis Bray. Book or Kindle

See above Blog post for Au$ prices & where to pay www.paypal.me/angels369

Purchase any 2 or more books and P & H is FREE.

Thank you, Michael


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