Free Help ~ scroll down for much more from Michael & the Angels


We have FREE Help pages - here, below \/ that can assist you in moments when you need neutral positive help Scroll Down \/

** To receive help with changes: - listen to the MP3 file titled ‘Freedom Train’ - 7.5 mins - MP3 **

There are also more FREE MP3’s on this site - opens in a new window

Healing with your Angels:  Freedom Train and Imphara Healing scroll \/

Check out 6 books: Michael is the author of ‘Angels are Real’ 1 and 2, ‘Playing with Angels’ , ‘Fairies are Real’ and ‘Angel and Fairy Alphabet’ & 'You are a magnificent amazing being made of Stardust'. Also on YouTube - discover your inner sparkle:

We remind you that You are a Magnificent Amazing Being and everyone is made from Stardust.

We offer you Spiritual information & healingbooks and much more: helping, guiding and loving all humanity. Remembering that all choices are honoured. SVH Healing is for people, animals and the environment.

Cut old energy cords ~ below - SCROLL DOWN  \/

Here is an interesting idea:

"Every atom in your body came from a star that exploded. And the atoms in your left hand probably came from a different star than your right hand. It really is the most poetic thing I know about physics: YOU ARE ALL STARDUST." ..... Lawrence Krauss  .... 

"Everyone is an Angel in training ....." ~ Michael F Bray ~ 'Angels are Real' - visit books - Michael has written 6 Angel books - Keep exploring 

Disclaimer: Some things on this site are an expression of someone's ideas or beliefs. There is no intention to indoctrinate anyone. If this happens, please disregard the idea and decide what you want or choose to believe. / copyright  2018, 2020, 2021 M. F. Bray.

Self-help Pages Index: scroll down for much more info \/

1: free podcasts

2: Ideas to assist with growth & harmony

3: 10 Actions you can do to change your life

4: Compassion for yourself or others

5: Lessons from the Masters

6: What Language are you using - Language of Light or limitation


Choose some more links or exercises you feel will help you: 

New whisper healing now available: helping you:  -

Thrive - the movement - a wake up call for humanity - opens in a new window

Wonderful World and Freedom Train ~ go to FREE podcasts @SVH:

SVH - FREE Healing Podcasts - opens in a new window

A possible solution: Freedom Train - 8 minute mp3 - be in control of your life !

New healing: "Neutral Paths" \/ below

IMPHARA - go to the  Imphara Healing page - see below - for self-healing 

Send us an email   ////    Cut old energy cords - click here

Use these techniques to promote change, growth or peace:


Choose to go to the web site  - opens in a new window

on the Left side click on: "New Life" Seminars

here you will find 12 different themes to research - they are now ALL FREE 

There are 3 hour or 1 hour MP3's and some themes have PDF files to download.

Keep exploring.



Choose to visit the SVH- web site for FREE PODCASTS - opens in a new window

These Podcasts from SVH founder Jill Marie are all FREE - Go exploring.


Use these ideas to help with change, growth or harmony:


I choose that my vibration be raised to the highest and purest vibration possible, the Love and Light vibration of my Awareness/Universal-Self or God-Self.

If possible, allow yourself to close your eyes and tune in to the process - feel the density leaving and the shift within you.

It may be a sense of lightness, calm, peace, serenity or clarity.

Allow yourself to experience this gift.

When you feel all is complete, open your eyes and continue your day in love, light and/or joy, or whatever you choose. 



I choose divine unconditional love

I choose peace and acceptance

I choose gratitude and grace

I choose to be kind to myself and all people

On all levels I choose to be present in 'now time' in everything that I do.



In any situation: What would Love do now?

Remember that you are the creator of your reality by your thoughts, words & deeds.

Choosing to change negative or self-defeating thoughts, words and actions and replacing them with the positive, supportive language of love

will release you from limitation and change your life experience. 


Help Actions:
Here are some great exercises you can do to change/shift your Attention:

Remember that what you fix your attention on, is what you create.

10 Actions you can do: Please take the time to experience these exercises fully.

Do you need a viewpoint shift or are you having some trouble or upset in your life?

'Ten actions you can do today to start taking back your life' - by Harry Palmer.

You can choose to print this page : 

  • 1) Take a walk, notice something, and decide how you would describe it. (Time: 10+ minutes.  Expected result: Calming, increase in energy)
  • 2) Concentrate all your attention on a single object for a period of two minutes. (Time: 2 minutes.  Expected result: More focused, relaxed)
  • 3) Choose an automatic gesture you make and repeat it deliberately until it comes off automatic.  (Time: 5+ minutes. Expected result: Insights, self-control)
  • 4) Pick a frequent worry and outline the sequence of thoughts that lead up to that worry.  Deliberately think the thoughts in sequence until the worry fades. (Time: 5+ minutes. Expected  result: Recovered energy)
  • 5) Deliberately smile until you feel happy. (Time: 2+ minutes. Expected result: Sense of well being.)
  • 6) Make a list of all the incomplete projects you have. Prioritise the list. (Time: 30+ minutes. Expected result: Recovery of attention.)
  • 7) Take a walk and count forms until colours appear brighter. (Time: 30+ minutes. Expected result: Extroversion, sense of being alive.)
  • 8) Climb one or more flights of stairs and before each step whisper something you are grateful for. (Time: 30+ minutes. Expected result: Sense of Grace.)
  • 9) Deliberately do a good deed for someone without being found out. (Time: 30+ minutes.  Expected result: Increased sense of self-respect.)
  • 10) Breathing in, notice something far away. Breathing out, notice something close. Repeat at least ten times. (Time: 5+ minutes. Expected result: Recovery of perspective.)

'Ten actions you can do today to start taking back your life' ... by Harry Palmer. Excerpted with permission by Star's Edge, Inc.

ReSurfacing® and Star's Edge International® are registered trade marks of Star's Edge Inc. EPCsm, 

Have Compassion for yourself or others:

Please take the time to experience these exercises fully. Need some help in your life?

The Compassion Exercise

Honesty with yourself leads to compassion for others. Objective: To increase the amount of compassion in the world. Expected Results: A personal sense of peace.

Instructions: This exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate {airports, malls, parks, beaches etc.}. It should be done on strangers, unobtrusively, from some distance. Try to do all five steps on the same person. It can also be done by couples and family members, on old enemies and antagonists still present in one's memories.


1: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: 'Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness for his/her life.'

2: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: 'Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in his/her life.'

3: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: 'Just like me, this person has known sadness, loneliness and dispair.'

4: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: 'Just like me, this person is seeking to fulfill his/her needs.'

5: With attention on the person, repeat to yourself: 'Just like me, this person is learning about life.'

'Love is an expression of the willingness to create space in which something is allowed to change'.....from the ReSurfacing book by Harry Palmer, author. © 1994, Star's Edge, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved

Lessons from the Great Masters 

Blessings from Lord Sananda

You may request these blessings from Lord Sananda at bed time and upon rising:

Before bed: I request that all of my Angels and beings of light that are in service to me, work with me as I sleep.

Upon rising: I am open to all direction from God, my Father, and all those he has directed to serve me.

Quote from the book 'The Light Thing To Do'™ (an unedited manuscript) - Channeled lessons received by Jill Marie, founder of Serenity Vibration Healing® or SVH


Lesson 2 from Saint Germaine:

Make a list of all negative comments, thoughts or disparaging remarks you make commonly about yourself or others. List all comments that others make or say to or about you. View these comments. Are they how you would like to define who you truly are? Are they the paint on your pallet that would best picture the life that you would wish for yourself?

Now choose. 

Do you wish to continue using and reacting to negative energy? Is it fulfilling you and filling your life with joy? Make a deliberate choice to change the paint on your pallet.

When a negative thought pops into your mind, quickly exchange it for a positive one. Imagine your hand holds a ping-pong paddle. Swat the old thought away and replace it with a new one.

Example: 'I always drop things, I am so clumsy.' Whack! "I am very balanced. I never drop things."

What energy attaches to the old thought?

What energy attracts to the new?

When you speak before you think, back up and change the negative remark and Whack! envision your paddle sending those words to the moon.

Example: 'Gosh, I can't believe that I did that. I am so stupid.' Whack! "Gosh, I didn't mean to do that." Then mentally stroke yourself or say the words out loud for the world to hear. "I am so smart." "I am brilliant." Exchange the slower energy of stupid with the faster energy of the latter comments.

If you have disparaged yourself a great deal in the past, it might be helpful to put notes where you frequent. On your dashboard, your bathroom mirror, on your night table. I am loved, I am wonderful, I am a great being of light, I am a beloved child of God (or whoever you choose). You will see the notes even when you are not focusing upon them and will be subliminally reprogramming your subconscious to accept loving thoughts about yourself. If you catch yourself disparaging another, Whack! Back up immediately and apologise to the one you offended. Then change the message you wished to convey into a positive one.

(pages 47-48 from the book 'The Light Thing To Do'™ (an unedited manuscript) - Channeled lessons received by Jill Marie, founder of Serenity Vibration Healing® or SVH


These techniques are from the Serenity Vibration Healing® or SVH web site.  The book "The Light Thing To Do" 

'We are never alone, our Angels, Guides or Helpers are always there, with us, and we also have the backing of the whole Universe'... from "Angels are Real" by Michael Francis Bray.

Disclaimer: Some things in this site are an expression of someone's ideas or beliefs. They are not intended to indoctrinate anyone. If this happens, please disregard the idea and decide what you want to believe.

 © 2004, 2009, 2014, 2018, 2020, 2023 M. F. Bray. Serenity Vibration Healing® is a registered trademark

Help with Language ~ a suggestion

What Language are you using? The Language of Light or Limitation? 

L A N G U A G E:

Notice what language and words you use (just describing all this)


One of our greatest birthrights is the ability to choose how and what we create in our lives. As the creator of all things, God will accept and honour, without judgement, whatever we choose to manifest as our divine will.

As Master Creators, we generate our life experience primarily through our thoughts, words and actions. All language becomes a cause set in motion. May I suggest that you be mindful of the words that you allow to fall from your mouth, as they will manifest, creating your life experience.

Below are some examples of both creative and destructive words and phrases heard regularly in our society. This is a sample; please continue to expand your list.


* I AM




* I BELIEVE ....

* MY TRUTH IS ....





Speaking in the 'I' allows others to map what is being said against their personal experience. Speaking in the 'YOU' carries the energy of presupposition that they believe or 'should' believe as you do. It may also cause a defensive response or decrease reception. To keep sharing in the 'I' honours individual choice and improves reception of your message.


* The Question

* The Request

* The Acknowledgement


* 'Hello' or 'Good morning / afternoon'

* 'Welcome'

* 'G'day or 'How can I help you?'

* 'Thank you'


THE LANGUAGE OF LIMITATION: - No recommended in this day & time

To help you with this section, I recommend you listen to yourself when you talk; notice your language and use of words and set a goal or intention to consciously change your choice of words and ideas

In most cases, the best replacement word for any limiting word is 'choice' or 'choose'. In the case of "not" you may use 'choose to avoid'.

* NOT (the root limiting word) - including all family members of NOT:







I AM NOT ........... - Denounces your ability as a creator.

* I DON'T KNOW...- A declaration to choose forgetfulness.

* TRY .......................- As Yoda says; Do or choose to avoid doing.

* MUST ...................- Implies that there is no choice.

* MADE ME ............- A declaration of Victim - no choice.

* HARD ...................- Presupposes effort or struggle

* SHOULD ..............- Implies force, pressure or agenda.

* I AM ALWAYS .....- A sentence to sustain behaviour

* NEED ....................- Carries the energy of lack, Incompleteness or dependency.

* BUT .......................- Negates whatever was said just prior




TEAM ACTION: Create a signal that can be used to alert each other in restoring our commitment to use creative language (Example: excuse me) or put up your hand.


Now that your awareness has been restored, pay attention to how often that you hear compound-limiting declarations in your everyday life.

EXAMPLE: I DON'T think that I SHOULD even TRY BECAUSE it's so HARD to do ...

* I NEED to TRY to do .....

* I WANT to MAKE him/her .....


* 'You right !' (usually said with attitude)

* 'How are you?' (invasive, disrespectful, dishonour)

When paying for something:

* 'Is that the lot?' or 'Is that all?' (What does it mean?)


most Created by S. Havill. Added to by M. Bray to enhance your life.

 Use  Email

Using the colours, vibration and frequency of the rainbow to bridge & connect peoples, animals, nature & the All.


We remind you that You are a Magnificent Amazing Being and we are all made from Stardust. This is also the title of a new book by Michael

Serenity Vibration Healing® (or SVH) is a profound yet simple, safe and long-lasting energy healing. Available from Michael - web site

Serenity Fellowship and Serenity Ministries™ is its own denomination with no dogma. It is supported by a group of Serenity Ministries™ Ministers or Monks, who are here to share healing, harmony, grace and empowerment with all people in their community and country, or around the planet. We are in many countries.

We are a Spiritual Fellowship or gathering that promotes peace, personal empowerment and the collective expansion. We are a lighthouse of hope for those who forget that they are love. That is the same love that is the Creator or Divine Mother Mary or ArchAngel Michael. We remind all people that they are a magnificent amazing being.

"We reflect an unwavering, harmonious, neutral acceptance of all beings and their choices. Our doctrines align with sovereignty, autonomy, personal empowerment, development of a sacred and harmonious personal relationship with the Creator and ascension through master expansion." 

                                                      . . . . . . . . . . .  Jill Marie, founder of Serenity Ministries

Welcome to Rainbow Light Healing:

The colours of the rainbow, so stunning and vibrant, yet gently merging into thousands of shades of colour actually match the radiance, frequency and vibration of the healing energy within us all and all of nature and the earth and universes. We are all that light and healing and we are made from stardust too.

Imagine accepting and acknowledging that magnificent energy we all are and working with an aspect of you called your God-Self plus a 100% unconditional love liaison with the Creator and ArchAngels Michael and Metatron. You can work with rainbow healing energy for yourself, your family, friends, people in the community and the whole of humanity, nature, earth and beyond. Acknowledge, breathe and shine that light and healing that you are.

Michael was on a trip to Egypt in October 2013, and the Rainbow Light was ignited at the site of the Pharos - the ancient Lighthouse in Alexandria in cooperation with the Creator and A/Angel Michael. This site is still a vibrant and healing light portal that was tapped into and by using the healing energies and techniques of SVH, the light was shared via rainbow bridges of light, healing and love, to Cairo and then through all of Egypt, then through all of Gaia, on the outside and all the inside and then through the universe and the universes. It was a beautiful experience, one which I will never forget. During a recent healing, the person receiving the healing said they saw rainbows of light.

Take time, if you choose to tune into the rainbow light and love that you are, feel it, know it, trust it and sense that through breathing in, acknowledge it and then breathe it out to the All and the Everything. Amazing.

You can make it possible by experiencing Serenity Vibration Healing® or SVH. 

Check out the web site for info or arrange a healing with Michael.  (Opens in a new window) or Email

We work with healing from the Masters, ArchAngels & the Creator

This is new 7th Dimensional Healing, combined with SVH (Serenity Vibration Healing®) and Sacred Healing Radiance and it is the most profound and the safest energy healing on earth. 

The world wide web site for SVH is: - opens in a new window

or you can visit Rainbow Spirit - opens in a new window - Enjoy.

BOOKS: 6 Angel & Life books by Michael Francis Bray now available - Books - opens in a new window

Click here for a NEW Angel / Love Healing: see below \/

Copyright 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2020 © Jill Marie and Michael Bray.  All photo's and art work by Michael Bray.

Rainbow Light Healing is a part of Rainbow Spirit ~ shine your true colours




A self-healing process from SVH:  ‘IMPHARA‘ 

This interactive SVH Trigger Process is so easy to use. After activating the process, you simply think the word IMPHARA and the Angels and Our Blessed Creator do the rest.

Each time you would like to receive angelic healing for a specific issue, activate this new SVH Trigger Process with a simple directive thought and Archangels Michael and Gabriel and a legion of angels move into action. Your angelic guardians transport an ideal portion of your ethereal body to a healing chamber in their dedicated healing space of Imphara. Your angelic healing chamber experience will continue for a minimum of eleven hours, unless an extended timeframe is suggested by the Creator and Archangels Michael and Gabriel. 

Your healing chamber is dedicated to address physical, emotional and energetic imbalances that you mentally define. While in the chamber, genetic and current life imprints that attracted, supported and fueled the manifestation of your imbalances are identified by the Imphara systems. As an element of this process, the Creator reformats the seeds and foundations of those identified imbalances, using the SVH tool Quantum Level Reprogramming (QLR).

Info about Imphara:

SVH practitioners have worked with the Angels and these healing chambers on Imphara for over twenty years. Now we have this new trigger process that can be offered to clients and loved ones, making it possible for them to activate this method of healing for themselves in an instant. 

Anyone that uses the SVH viewing screen to activate the triggering mechanism below can initiate the parameters of this transformative healing regimen for themselves in a second, so please pass this information on to others.

Archangel Michael is the guardian of SVH and the Creator applies all aspects of the modality. Archangel Gabriel and the legions of Angles work with the healing chambers to inspire physical, emotional and energetic healing, as the Creator reformats the seeds and foundations of the defined maladies. What could be better!!!  Enjoy!!!

To activate this process:

Imagine there is a big screen floating in front of you (like a TV or movie screen) and the healing mechanism is on the screen. Silently ask the Creator if it is in Divine Alignment for the Creator to activate this trigger for your use. Now tune in for the answer. When you hear, sense or perceive an affirmative response from the Creator, (everyone get it) sing out your authorization with a resounding 'YES'. Your trigger is then activated for your personal use.

How do I use this trigger to activate Angelic healing!?
Here are some easy guidelines you can follow when using your new SVH Trigger Process. 

• Think the trigger word: “Imphara” to activate the parameters of your Angelic healing chamber session 

  and the Creator's reformatting sequences.
• Mentally define the areas of healing you desire.
• Go about your life. (You never experience loss of energy or clarity during an angelic healing procedure.  For those eleven hours you feel nurtured and satiated in unconditional love.)
• Be in gratitude for the levels of healing you receive. (Try not to scrutinize the healing. Expect miracles and watch for the big and small ones; grateful for all. Know that the Creator is reformatting unbalanced energies that fueled and supported the maladies as the angels sweetly focus healing energy.) Your healing will manifest as it does.


Examples of Trigger Use: Think the trigger word Imphara, followed by your directives:

• "Imphara… for my swollen ankles."

•"Imphara… for my grief and depression."

• "Imphara… for my headache."
• "Imphara… to heal me throughout my surgery and for the next nine days."
• "Imphara… to heal my hip."
• "Imphara… to balance and harmonize my body."
• "Imphara… starting last night when I went to bed, for my sore muscles."
• "Imphara… every night when I go to bed for the next week to heal my ulcer."
• "Imphara… every night this week starting last Thursday to heal my _________

* “Imphara… for my ___rolling back to when it started & every nano-second until it is healed, Thank you  -  Angels.

FYI: Angelic healing and supportive interventions are not a new concept; angels are always watching over us ………..and always lighting up pathways to help us create a more harmonious life.
Years ago we discovered the sacred energy space of Imphara that angels use to support miracle healings. Over the years SVH practitioners have facilitated hundreds of thousands of these healing steps with the help of Archangel Michael, the Creator and the angels of Imphara.

Only a fragment of your ethereal body is used in this healing procedure, but it is enough to fuel miracles.

If you need HELP in life - see more of this page  /   email

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 License.

Disclaimer: Some things on this site are an expression of someone's ideas or beliefs. There is no intention to indoctrinate anyone. If this happens, please disregard the idea and decide what you want or choose to believe. 

© 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2022, 2024. ~ M. F. Bray. 

Email / Colour Your Universe © M. Bray. 

NOTE: Rev. Michael Bray, born in Australia is not associated in any way whatsoever with another Rev. Michael Bray in the USA - this is a very different person with very different beliefs and ideas. The similarity is in name only.

This site functions from a home that is environmentally friendly & sustainable with:  * Insulation; * Low-energy & LED lights, small vegie/herb garden. This site & location uses Carbon Neutral Power Supply and Internet ~ Please look after Gaia.

Healing & site information:  SVH 

Self-Help & Maintenance: see above /\

Michael’s information: | email: 

Anything that interfaces with the ethereal body directly affects the physical body immediately and continues to influence the systems for up to three days. This eleven hour healing chamber session continues to immerse your physical body with healing energies for three days, so relax and enjoy the angel’s miracle healing energies.

Many blessings of light,  Jill Marie


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