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In Australia, prices are from Au$12.00 to Au$18.00 for all books + P&H - Printed in Sydney, Australia.
Purchase any 2 or more books and P & H is FREE.
Purchase signed books directly from Michael: prices are ~
-'Angels are Real' ~ Au$18.00 An autobiography of how my Angels helped me in life
-'Angels are Real 2' ~ Au$13.00 Extra stories from 1993 to 2017
-'Playing with Angels' ~ Au$15.00 ~ The story of a new Soul planning, arriving & living their 1st year on earth, from the viewpoint of the new Soul.
-'Angel and Fairy Alphabet' ~ Au$12.00 ~ use for meditation, inspiration or reflection.
-'Fairies are Real' ~ Au$17.00 ` because they are. Fairies & Gnomes tell their story.
-'You are a Magnificent Amazing Being made of Stardust' ~ Au$12.00 ~ Because you are, inspiring.
-'You are a Wonderful Light of Love' ~ Au$12.00 ~my new book, because you are, inspiring.
-'Surviving a STROKE, Suggestions for Living & Loving Life' ~ Au$12.00 ~ A Lived life experience.
-'Imagine 4 D, 5 D, 6D ~ Glimpses of a New World beyond now' ~ Au$12.00
Standard postage & handling is Au$6.00 - for 1 book, or free for 2 + books. Please add this to your payment.
New Zealand P & H is Au$ 10.00 for 1 book & Au$ 13.00 for 2 books
Purchase any 2 or more books and P & H is FREE.
Your order is appreciated & will be posted a.s.a.p, Thank You. Michael
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OR: order on any Amazon site world-wide, Search: Michael Francis Bray
Book or e-Book on Kindle.
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